Thomas W. Schwartz
Chippewa Falls, WI
Thomas Schwartz is currently serving as the Board Vice-Chair and represents District 1. He was first elected to the Board in 2014 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1971.
Mr. Schwartz has served on other organizations including Eau Claire Energy’s Member Advisory Council and the School Board of St. Olaf/Sacred Heart School. Before retirement, Mr. Schwartz worked in finance for a local home improvement store.
He believes that being a director at a cooperative requires understanding of the operation and functionality of the organization and to better assist in that, Mr. Schwartz has taken advantage of attending education course offered by national and statewide cooperative associations. Through these courses, he has been able to make educated and sound decisions on behalf of the cooperative.
He believes that cooperatives have and will continue to play an important role in today’s economy. Urban sprawl brings new members to our service areas. Cooperatives must maintain a proactive approach to accommodate their needs especially in today’s world with ever changing technology. Our members look to the co-op to keep up with the technological trends. Directors need foresight to perceive future needs of our members as well as the knowledge and dedication to accomplish these changes.
Mr. Schwartz and his wife, Joan live in the Chippewa Falls – Lake Hallie area.

Michael Golat
Altoona, WI
Mike Golat represents District 2. He was first appointed to the Board in 2019 after a district vacancy then reelected in 2020. He has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 2006.
Mr. Golat grew up in Superior, WI and attended UW-Madison where he received his degree in economics in 1988. Thereafter, he moved to Alaska where he worked as a public utilities director for the City of Unalaska managing a municipal electric utility. While in Alaska, Mr. Golat earned his master’s degree in natural resources economics from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. In 2006, he took a new position in Altoona, WI as the city administrator where he focuses on economic development and improving the quality of life for the city residents.
Through training and engagement, he has familiarized himself with operations, finances, policies, and the cooperative principles. His goal is to continue to serve the cooperative membership by providing safe, affordable, and reliable electric service.
Mr. Golat additionally is involved or has been involved in many other board positions including the HSHS/Prevea Recovery Taskforce, Chippewa Valley Economic Recovery Task Force, Chippewa valley Technical College Real Estate Committee, Visit Eau Claire, Wisconsin City Administrators Association, and the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation.
Mr. Golat resides in the City of Altoona, where he continues to serve as the city administrator.

Curt Williams
Fall Creek, WI
Curt Williams represents District 3. He was first elected to the Board in 2022 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 2008.
Mr. Williams has worked as a Construction Superintendent for over 32 years and worked within the commercial construction industry for 38 years. He has been involved with many large and complex projects including hospitals, schools, and churches; including the Eau Claire Children’s Museum which will be utilizing a geothermal system and solar.
Mr. Williams is looking forward to becoming move involved within his community. He and his wife, Jenny married 23 years ago and currently reside in the Ludington area. Their two children attended Fall Creek High School, graduated college, and have now pursued their own careers.

Judi Anibas
Eau Claire, WI
Judi Anibas represents District 4. She was first elected to the Board in 2009 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1999. Ms. Anibas also serves as a director of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association representing Wisconsin.
Ms. Anibas ran as a candidate for a board seat after a 25-year policing career followed by a 10-year career as Dean of Emergency Services and Transportation at Chippewa Valley Technical College. CVTC is where she was introduced to the Electric Lineworker program which sparked her desire to run for the Cooperative Board of Directors.
Her education in the electric industry started with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association training program over the past 12 years. This has benefited her decision making in the board room which helps her consider options, engage in dialogue, and employ strategies to benefit members, and stay fiscally responsible while considering current and future situations in the industry.
Ms. Anibas has additionally served on the Federated Youth Foundation board, making decisions on investments for member scholarships and local charitable donations, and the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association board, the state-wide cooperative association focusing on legislative and industry issues.
She is an active member with the St. James Greater Catholic Church and Westgate Sportsman Club, along with serving and volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club and Pheasants Forever of the Chippewa Valley. She enjoys the outdoors including hunting, fishing, biking, kayaking, and daily walks with her Springer Spaniel, Palle.
Ms. Anibas and her husband, Tom live in the Springbrook area.

Joseph Becker
Eleva, WI
Joseph Becker represents District 5. He was first elected to the Board in 2017 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1999.
Mr. Becker owned and managed a third-generation dairy and crop farm operation that has now been transitioned into his current beef cow/calf farm in Eau Claire County. In addition to his farm, he developed and currently operates a custom baleage harvesting business for area farm operations. He also currently serves on the Town of Drammen and the Prince of Peace Church boards.
Currently, Mr. Becker is the maintenance supervisor for a local retirement facility. It’s a passion of his to help the elderly with their day to day lives.
He believes that cooperatives are an essential part of the energy industry and believes strongly in the 7 Cooperative Principles. The services that Eau Claire Energy Cooperative provides are essential to our community livelihood. Given that ECEC is owned by its members, he truly believes it affords all the opportunity to directly impact the highest quality of services at affordable rates.
His experiences in owning and operating his current and prior businesses have taught him valuable life lessons and the importance of good common sense in day-to-day operations. He believes those attributes, his fresh perspectives along with his current experiences on the Board of ECEC allows him to be an asset to the community and ECEC.
Mr. Becker and his wife, Robin reside in the Drammen area.

Frank Neibauer
Eau Claire, WI
Frank Neibauer is currently serving as Eau Claire Energy Cooperative’s Board Secretary/Treasurer representing District 6. He was first elected to the Board in 2018 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1992.
Mr. Neibauer worked at an investor-owned electric and gas utility for 32 years prior to his retirement. He currently serves on the Cleghorn Lions Club, Eau Claire County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Town of Pleasant Valley Planning Commission, Pleasant Valley Park Committee, and the Eau Claire County ADRC Nutrition Advisory Council. He has been involved in many other community organizations over the years including his Township Fire Department.
He believes that cooperatives were born out of the necessity for someone to step forward and address the need for electricity in rural America. Today, the need for safe, reliable, and affordable electricity is still there but questions on how and where the electricity is obtained, renewable energy sources and distributed generation are the new challenges.
Mr. Neibauer and his wife, Lynette reside in the Town of Pleasant Valley.

Andrew Bourget
Fall Creek, WI
Andrew Bourget is currently serving as Board Chair representing District 7. He was first elected to the Board in 2009 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1986.
Mr. Bourget is a graduate alumnus from Cadott High School and UW-River Falls and was raised on a family dairy operation.
Along with serving on ECEC’s Board, Mr. Bourget also serves on the Eau Claire Area School Ag Advisory Council, FFA, Fall Creek School Board, CESA 10 Agency, and the Wisconsin Association of State & County Office Employees.
Mr. Bourget supports the cooperative business model which guides the services and provides the future direction of the Cooperative. He endorses the Member Advisory Council, youth programs, and legislative involvement. He is a Community Solar Member that supports energy conservation programs and green energy. He is an advocate of further education for our members and modern technologies that will provide all with safe, reliable, and affordable sources of energy. He views issues for the Cooperative as big picture for the long term.
Mr. Bourget and his wife, Roxi reside in the Washington area. In his free time he produces homemade wine and harvests sap for maple syrup.

Jeff Frieburg
Osseo, WI
Jeff Frieburg represents District 8. He was first elected to the Board in 2004 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 2003.
Mr. Frieburg retired in 2020 as a physical therapist. He has held several other board and community positions including Westconsin Credit Union Board member, Osseo Area Economic Corporation, and the Osseo City Council.
Since being elected in 2004, he has worked to gain relevant experience and unique knowledge to serve the Cooperative and its members. This includes earning the Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership, and Gold certifications through the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association. His employment and involvement in community organizations provides ample opportunities to make contact with ECEC members where they can share their ideas and concerns. This combination of accessibility and involvement allows him to maintain and nurture connections between ECEC and many of its members.
Mr. Frieburg believes that forming political alliances with legislators is crucial for cooperative Directors. He has had the opportunity to participate in face-to-face meetings with legislators to explain electric cooperative issues and inform them how legislation and regulation are affecting the cooperatives and its members.
He believes that cooperatives continue to lead the industry in providing safe, reliable, and affordable electricity and that ECEC is no exception. He is supportive in the cooperative’s investment in technologies that improve service, create efficiencies, and improve system reliability all while enhancing safety and preparing for future technologies and renewable energy sources. He supports sensible legislation and regulation that protects our environment as long as it is equitably paid for by all stakeholders and not solely by the ratepayers.
He and his wife, Amy reside in Osseo. Amy works at the Osseo-Fairchild School District.

Clarence L. Boettcher
Fairchild, WI
Clarence “Butch” Boettcher represents District 9. He was first elected to the Board in 1983 and has been a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative since 1978. Mr. Boettcher also serves on Eau Claire Energy Cooperative’s wholesale power provider, Dairyland Power Cooperative’s Board of Directors.
Mr. Boettcher has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Agriculture Education earned at UW-River Falls. He taught for 29 years at Chippewa Valley Technical College as its Farm Business Management Instructor, retiring in 2008. Prior to his position at CVTC, he was a Vocational Agriculture Instructor at Oshkosh and Fall Creek High Schools.
Mr. Boettcher has served on several boards in the past including Federated Youth Foundation, Gen-Sys Energy Cooperative, Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators, Wisconsin Polled Hereford Association, and the Chippewa Valley Forage Council.
Mr. Boettcher believes that electric cooperatives are a business that grew out of the need to provide cost-based electricity for member-owners. Consistent with the cooperative philosophy, electric cooperatives work to further economic development and the quality of life in their service territory. Cooperatives can play a big role in helping our nation become more energy independent by participating in cost-effective renewable energy initiatives including wind and solar products. At Eau Claire Energy, we have stepped up to the challenges of transitioning to a future with lower carbon emissions and the evolution of distributed energy resources. The future success of ECEC will leverage the legacy advantage of the cooperative business model while focusing on new technologies that can improve safe and reliable service at continued stable rates for our members.
Mr. Boettcher and his wife, Maryellen reside on their family farm in the Fairchild area.